Assalamu'alaykum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
Holaahalahuuu,welcome back to my blog ,fantastic daayy. This is the third days for practice. Felt tired yahh. But always remember to cheerup everyday. Today it's always being a happy day. Always gratefull and thanks to Allah ,for always give us change to being a good person and do the best bye our self.
Today we make delicious pastry. You knoow guyss? Yups Piiieee. This is the one of famous pastry in the world. Today we make pie dough and sugar dough,very delicioouuss. It's really fun to past my day in kitchen. We always got a new experience everytime we are past our day in this lovely place, even it's about our new material or another.
Alhamdulillah everything is running well,hopefully the next keep being like that. After doing like usually we must to general cleaning in kitchen. After general cleaning we are one line and then goooo hoomeee...
Good bye my tired day...
But before all them, i want to show to all of you guys how to make this popular pastry
Pie dough
1. Sof flour 300 gr
2.Shortening 234 gr
3.Salt 6 gr
4.Water 100 ml
how to make :
1. Collect all the equipment
3.Dissolve salt in water. set aside
4. Place flour and shortening into flour in the mixing bowl
5. Rub or cut shortening into flour to the proper degree
6. Add salt and water. mix very gently ,just untill water is absorbed. Do not overwork the dough
7.Place the dough in pans ,cover with plastic film,and place into the refrigator or retarder for several hours.
8.To make it easier to shape, roll the dough first.
9.Brushing butter and and dusthing flour in the tarlet mould
10.Add than,shape dough into the mould
11.Keep again in chiller for 15-20 minutes
12.After that bake for 15-20 minutes in 170 derajat celcius
Sugar dough
2.Corn Strach
3.Milk Powder
7.Icing sugar
how to make:
1.Preparation all ingridients and tools
2.Mix flour, corn strach,milk powder,salt,icing sugar,and butter.Mix untill well
3.After that, put the dough in bowl and keep in chiller for 10-15 minutes .
4.To make it easier to shape, roll the dough first.
5.Brushing butter and and dusthing flour in the tarlet mould
6.Add than,shape dough into the mould
7.Keep again in chiller for 15-20 minutes
8.After that bake for 15-20 minutes in 170 derajat celcius
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