Assalamu'alaykum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
Hellohelloguuysss welcome back to my blog .like usually I would like to share to all of you guys my activity in kitchen. Happy reading yaah guys. Enjoy it..In the morning ,I'm prepare my self to go to the kitchen. After I arrived, we are one line in pastry. After one line we are review our materi from senior.
After review ,sir Ical showing a new materi that are eclaire and choux paste. Next we are doing how to make it. You know what is choux paste? In indonesia choux paste it' s famous called " kue sus " . Choux paste use for cream puffs is made by entirely different method .Alhamdulillah everything it's running well.
After doing we are GC in pastry. I'm in the section how cleaning all of the tavle working in pastry. I'm so enjoy for all of the general cleaning. Because we're not doing by their self but we always doing by team work. We can laugh as long we are doing our GC. So we are so enjoy it our general cleaning. Next i really want to tell you guys how to make this choux paste
Happy reading
Eclaire and Choux paste
1.Water 500 gr
2.Butter 250 gr
3.Salt 1 tsp
4.Bread Flour 375 gr
5.Eggs 625 gr
how to make:
1.Combine liquid ,butter,and slat in heavy saucepan and bring to a boil.
2.Remove pan from heat and add the flour all at once. Stir quickly.
3.Return the pan from heat and stir vigorously untill the dough froms a ball and pulls away from the sides of the pan .'
4.Transfer the dough to the bowl of a mixer. if you wish to mix by hand,leave it in the saucepan
5.With the padle attachment ,mix it allow speed untill the dough has cooled slightly. It should be about 140 derajat farenheit -still very warm,but not too hot to touch
6.At medium speed,beat in the eggs, a little time. add no more than one-fourth or the eggs at once,and wait untill each quantity is completely absorbed before adding the nest.When all the eggs are absorbed ,the paste is ready to use.

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