30 September 2019
Assalamu'alaykum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh...
Haii haii teman onlinekuu?? Wiuuh lama tak jumpa yahh. Apa kabar semuanya ?? Tentunya selalu sehat dan bahagia dong tentunyaa. Ojoo sedih-sedih,pusing-pusing,galau-galau.Karena everything's is gone be all right keuun. Alhamdulillah yahh kita bisa berjumpa lagi walaupun hanya secara virtual,jadi penasaran saya siapa yah pembaca setia dari setiap blog saya ?? Tentunya tidak ada ehee :D, tapi barni akan terus menulis kok,dan selalu berharap kalo tulisan saya ini bisa bermanfaat bagi banyak orang,aamiin ....
Sebenarnya hari ini senin di minggu pertama praktek it was an amaziing dayyyyy. Inikah yang dinamakan kerja bagai quudhaa?? Salah kami juga sih. You know guyss,this is my first time being Payyabo wkwk,tapi sebenarnya seru juga sih karena Yabo nya sekelas,jadi tidak malu-malu sekali ji kasian. Mungkin menurut sebagaian orag ini adalah hal yang tabu untuk dilakukan,terkesan sangat memalukan dan bahkan menjijikan??

Kalo masiih ada yang berfikiran seperti itu, yuukk sama-sama membuka fikiran. Dibalik kegiatan yang di anggap menjijikan dan dan memalaskan ini,ada sebuah nilai berharga yang terkandung didalamnya. Kita ini tinggal dibuminya Allah, gratiiiss walaupun ada pajaknya ,tapi tidak seberapa dengan nikmat yang kita dapat. Apakah tidak merasa malu?? Bumi dipakai kaki kita untuk berpijak,mencari penghidupan,mencari ilmu,mendapatkan kebahagiaan,apakah sulit untuk kita dapat berkontribusi kecil dalam menjaga bumi ini? Cukup dengan tidak buang sampah dan mengambil sampah yang berserakan di jalan. Tidak akan mengambil sangat banyak waktumu yang katanya terlalu sibuk itu.
Dan buat teman-teman ku semoga kalian selalu semangat yahh, jangan fikirkan kata orang. Orang berbuat baik kok malah di jadikan bahan cemoohan. Kita harus bangga looh dengan apa yang kita lakukan ini. Hal kecil yang akan berdampak besar bagi orang lain Tidak semua orang mau dan mampu melakukannya,kaliaaann luar biasaaa. Makasih juga Pak Ical dengan semua ide-idenya yang bisa membuat kami lebih baik.
Nahh kan jadi ceramah ,okaayy deh mari kembali ke laptop. Hari ini kami doingya sangat terlambat,mungkin baru disekitaran pukul 11.30. Dahsyaat keuun,biasanya jam segini prepare-an kami sudah selesai,dan menunggu waktu untuk shalat,tapi karena kegiatan tambahan jadi telat sedikitlah,telat banyak sih sebenarnya hahaha,karena kami juga pulangnya malam,tapi Alhamdulillah preparean kami semua selesai,
Ohyaa hari ini kami sudah memasuki menu baru yaitu menu Ala Carte 1. Yang harus di garis bawahi adalah menu Ala Carte itu doing nya by order. Jadi tidak ada kegiatan memasak yang dilakukan sebelum ada orderan yang masuk. Untuk minggu ini kelompok saya mendapatkan menu soup dan great for sharing.Padahal awalnya sudah senang-senang karena perkiraannya cuman dapat soup,ternayata ada anaknya mengikut di belakang juga.

Dan yang bikin kita lama pulang juga karena harus bikin toast bread dulu ,naahh toast bread ini buatnya gampang-gampang susah. Harus sabar ,tidak boleh serampangan. Satu kali adonannya terbentur buyaarr deh semuanya. Dan ini juga yang buat toast bread kami tidak jadi.Dan selain toast bread ada juga Brisket yang harus di roast sampai 6 jam ,karena baru sempat dimasukkan di oven jam 2 jadilah pulangnya malam. Nahh itulah cerita barni hari ini,semoga selalu bermanfaat yahh ,jangan lupa like ,comment and subscribe hihihi,see youuu tomorrow my online friiendss....
2.25 L Water,cold
60 gr Kombu
50 gr Katsoubushi
2 L Dashi
To taste Salt
15 ml Japanese soy sauce
1-2 Strips lemon
15 gr Snow peas
10 gr Shrimp
-Put the water in a pot and add the kombu.Bring into boil over moderately high heat
us teh water comes to boil,remove the kombu.Remove from the heat and
immedietly add the bonito flakes.Let the flakes settle to the
bottom.This will take 1-2 minutes.Strain through a china cap lined with
cheesecloth.Use the dashi within 1 day.
-Bring the dashi to a simmer.Carefully add salt to taste.
-Add soy sauce
the lemon into a very julienne.Trim and wash the snow peas.Cut them
crosswiseat an angle,making diamond shapes.Blanch them 1 minutes in
boling water. Drain and cool.Peal and devein the shrimp.Blanch them 1
minutes in boiling water. Blanch them in boiling water just untill
cooked, no more then1 minutes.Drain.Rinse soup cups or bowls in hot
water to warm them. In each bowl put 1 shrimp,a few pieces of snow
peas,and a few threads of lemon zest.
-Make sure that the soup is very hot,almost at teh boiling point and ladle 200 ml into bowl.Serve at once.
100 gr onions
100 gr leek
100 gr celery
200 gr pumpkin
50 gr butter
50 gr Flour
1 L Chicken stock
Little Salt
1 tbsp Fresh Parsley
1 Cloved Garlic minced
1/2 tbsp Dried thyme
125 gr Heavy cream
5 whole Black peppercorn
- Trim and wash onion,leekmcelery and pumpkin.
-All vegetable cut into sliced
a stock,salt,pumpkin,onion,thyme,garlic,and peppercorns.Bring into
boil,reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes uncorvered
-Puree the soup in small batches using a food processor
to pan,and bring to a boil again.Reduce heat to low,and simmer for
another 30 minutes,uncorved.Stir in heavy cream.Pour into soup bowls and
garnish with fresh parsley before served.
360 gr Fresh tomatoes or tomatoes canned
15 ml Olive oil
to taste Salt
French Bread Dough:
875 gr Water
45 gr Yeast
15000 gr Hard Flour
30 gr Salt
360gr French bread,fermented
6 gr Fresh or dry Basil leaves
120 gr Mozarella Cheese
12 gr Parmesan Cheese
22 ml Olive oil
-If using fresh tomatoes ,peel,seed and chop them.If using canned,chop and drai them
Combine the tomatoes and oil in a saucepan ,cook uncorved over moderate heat untill the tomatoes are no longer watery.
-Add salt to taste,Cool
dough method.Dissolve yeast in water before.Adding flour and salt. 3
minutes at 2nd speed, rest 2 minutes;3 minutes more at 2nd speed
1 1/2 hours at 80'F (27'F).Punch down, 1 hour at 80'F
French loaves 12 oz / 350 gr
Round loaves 18 oz / 550 gr
Rolls 16-20 oz / 450-600 gr
Baking :
400'F (200'C).Steam for first 10 minutes.
the dough and roll it out into a circle. Drape the dough over the backs
of the hands and carefully streech the circle to a diameter of 12 in.
Leave the dough hicker around the rim than in the center.
-Flour a peel so the dough does not stick.Lay the circle of ough on it.
-Spread the tomatoes over the dough,leaving tyhe rim uncorved.
-Distribute the basil and the mozarella.Cheese over the pizza
-If using the parmesan,sprinkle it over the pizza
with olive oil,Slide directly into the hearth of a deck oven preheated
to 500'F . Bake untill the dough is browned and the cheese is melted.
-Using the peel,remove from the oven and serve immedietly
2 Slices White bread
As needed butter
30 gr Sliced Turkey or chicken breast
30 gr Smoked beef
30 Cheddar slice
1 egg beaten
30 ml Milk
-Place the bread on a clean work surface. Spread the tops with butter.
-Place teh turkey,ham,and cheese slice on one of the pieces of bread.Top with the remaining slice of bread,buttered side down.
-Secure the sandwich with 2 picks placed in opposite corners
-Beat the egg and milk together
-Dip the sandwich in the butter untill it is completely coated and the liquid has partially soaked into the bread
-Fry the sandwich in deep fat at 375'F untill golden brown
-Cut into half and serve immedietly.
2 Sliced White pan bread
20 ml Thousand Island dressing
60 gr Corned beef
30 gr Sauerkraut
As needed butter
1 pcs Head Cabbage ( medium)
3 tbsp Salt
-Place the slices of bread on a clean work surface
-Spread each slice with about 2 tsp dressing. On one of the slice,place the corned beef,then the sauerkraut then the cheese
-Place teh second slice of bread on top,spread side down.
the top the sandwich and place buttered side down on preheated griddle.
Immedietly butter the other side of the sandwich,which is on top.
-Griddle the sandwich ,turning once,untill browned on both sides and hot through.
-Cut the sandwich into halves and serve immedietly
For making the Sauerkraut:
- Chop the cabbage.Sprinkle with salt
the cabbage with clean hands,or pound with a potato masher or cabbage
crusher about 10 minutes,untill there is enough liquid to cover.
the cabbage into a quart jar,pressing the cabbage underneath the
liquid. If necessary,add a bit of water to completely cover a cabbage
-Cover the jar with a tight lid,airlock lid,or coffe filter secured with a rubber band.
at room temperature (60-70'F) for at least 2 weeks until desired
flavour and texture are achieved. If using a tight lid,burp daily to
release excess pressure.
-Once the sauerkraut is finished,put a
tight lid on the jar and move to cold storage.The Sauerkraut's is
flavour with continue to develop as it ages.
2 Egg yolks,beaten
500 ml Club soda
300 gr Flour
10 ml Baking Powder
2 ml Salt
2 Egg whites
1.4 kg Onion,large
As needed Flour
-Combine the egg yolks and club soda in the bowl
-Sift together the flour,baking powder and salt.
-Add the dry ingridients to the liquids and mix together to make a smooth batter
-Whip the egg whites to soft peaks
-Fold into the batter
-Peel the onion and cut crosswise into 1/2 inch slices. Separate into rings
-Place the onions in cold water if they are not used immedietly,to maintain cripsness
-Drain and dry the onions throughly
-Dredge with flour and shake off excess.
-Dip a few pieces at a time in the batter and fry in deep fat (350'F/175'C) untill golden brown.
-Drain and serve immedietly.
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