12 September 2019
Assalamu'alaykum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh...
Wahhh hay hayy teman-teman onlinenya barni?? ketemu lagi di barniscooking,lama tak jumpa yahh. Apa kabar semuanya? tentu selalu sehat dan bahagiaa. Sejujurnya setelah berminggu-minggu terlewati pasca ujian MID baru hari ini saya sempat menulis daily. Terlalu sombong ,karena cuman satu daily,jadi penulisan daily pun selalu ditunda hingga seribu tahun lamanya,alaayyy kayak lagu Abang Tulus ajaaa eheeyy...
Hari ini barni akan berceritaa panjaaaanggg,jangan bosan-bosan yaahh teman onlineku,membaca itu jendela duniaa loh. Walau isinya ini kebanyakan curcol ku saja,tapi selalu ada hikmah dan In Syaa Allah ilmu tentunya yang bisa kalian petik dari curcolan ku ini eheey. Ohiyaa jangan lupa bersyukur juga akan nikmat yang sudah Allah beri kepada kita,karena kita masih diberi nikmat oleh Allah untuk saling berjumpa,walau hanya secara virtual <3
Perjalanan MID di semester ini cukup panjang yahh,memakan waktu 5 hari (memangnya waktu bisa makan hari kah? intinya begitulah peribahasanya).Yaahh kami mulai datang itu di hari minggu,semua kelompok wajib datang ,meskipun yang prepare bahan untuk keesokan harinya adalah kelompok 4,tapi kita semua wajib untuk datang.Menu MID untuk hari senin adalah European Buffet. Walau makanannya semua tidak membutuhkan banyak method of cooking tapi tetap, semua pekerjaan tidak boleh di anggap enteng sih. Di MID semua makanan sudah harus bisa dikatakan sempurna, mulai dari rasa,method of cooking ,alat yang digunakan,dan tampilan juga tentunya,semuanya harus betul-betul diperhatikan secara detail. Karena ceritanya, ini adalah garis finish selama perjalanan beberapa bulan yang lalu ,cielaah ...

Selain datang untuk membantu prepare-an kelompok 4, kami juga datang untuk menyelamatkan dunia hahaha. Yahh proyek yang di usung Pak Ical ini luar biasa sekali lohh,selalu beda dari yang lainnya,makanya bersyukur juga bisa bergabung di prodi ini,setelah saya berjuang selama 3 tahun untuk bisa ikut bergabung di keluarga ini,Qadarullah akhirnya Allah menunjukkan jalannya. So teman-teman online ku,jangan putus bermimpi yahhh, dan tentunya harus di iringi doa dan action dari semua planning yang telah kita rencanakan,nah jadi ceramah lagikan. Jadi proyek yang kami buat adalah, kursii dari botol plastik. Mungkin di fikiran kalian ini biasa saja,tapi jika kalia sudah melihat hasilnya ,pasti tidak bakal menyangka kalau kursi ini dari botol plastik. Trust me it's woorkk hahaha
Nahh di hari-hari selanjutnya pun sama ,kami selalu datang untuk membantu kelompok lain mem-prepare bahan-bahan dan membantunya dalam proses doing ,dan tentunya juga membantunya untuk memplating makanannya. Jadi sistemnya itu, perhari akan ada satu kelompok yang doing dan kelompok lain tetap datang untuk membantu, begitu seterusnya selama 5 hari itu. Dihari senin ada kelompok 4 dengan European buffet menu, di hari selasa ada kelompok 3 dengan Oriental buffet menu, di hari rabu ada kelompok 2 dengan Indonesian buffet menu, dan hari terakhir adaa akuu dan kawan-kawan ku dengan Celebes buffet menu. Sungguh dapat jadwal MID di hari terakhir sangat tak enak,rasanya beban harus dipikul lebih lama, I feel you Cinta, inikah rasanya menunggu ratusan purnama??

Langsung saja deh saya menceritakan tentang kelompok saya, ini saya mengetik panjang-panjang kalian baca semuanya pun "UPA",kalian skip "IYA" ahaha. Nah karena kelompok saya mendapat jadwal praktek di hari terakhir, walaupun lama menunggu tapi kami jadi mempunyai banyak waktu untuk memprepare bahan-bahan kami ,jadi pas proses doing di hari kamis Alhamdulillah semuanya cepat beres. Di hari senin kami sudah mulai memprepare untuk Konro bakar ,yaitu kami mensous-videnya agar dagingnya itu bisa lembut nanti,dan Alhamdulillah dagingnya memang tidak alot lagi,terima kasih sous-vide <3. Dihari selasa kami memprepare bumbu-bumbu untuk pembuatan jalangkote dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya, jadi betul-betul dihari kamis kami sudah langsung doing saja. Dihari rabu kami membuat jalangkote dan cucuru bayao, karena makanan ini memang sudah harus ready sehari sebelumnya.

Dan tibalah di hari kamiis, hari pertempuran kita. Pertama-tama saya juga mau berterima kasih buat semua teman-teman kelasku yang tercintaa, sayangkii guyys. Terima kasih buat kerja samanya yang keren-keren,betul- betul semua turut andil dalam membantu,mulai dari awal doing sampai makanan di plattingpun kalian semua membantu, semuanya kerja. Terharu siih,karena kerja samanya kalian Alhamdulillah dipukul 9.30 makanan kami semuanya sudah ready. Padahal kalian semua sudah bisa duduk-duduk diluar karena jadwalnya kalian sudah selesai ,tapi tetap mau direpotkan buat bantu kami.Bukannya mau sombong juga sihh,tapi makanan kami semua enak-enak juga looh,ini karena cinta dari tangan kalian semua juga. Semoga apa yang kita kerjakan selama MID ini bisa menjadi amalan jariyah untuk kita semua. Dan tentunya semoga kita semua juga bisa terus berkembang menjadi lebih baik lagi,dan lebih kompak lagi. Jadi sedih juga kalo dipikir-pikir ,3 bulan lagi kita semua bakal LDR huhuhu setengah tahun lagi,semoga PKL kita semua bisa berjalanan dengan lancar, dan semoga tidak bakal ada yang postpon yaahh,semoga kita semua bisa melewati 6 bulan ini,i believe it to you guyyss...

Okrayy dehh tibalah barni di penghujung acara, selesai lah curcolan saya, walaupun mayoritas dari kalian juga pasti tidak membacanya sampai habis kaann ahahaha. Sekarang barni akan share tentang recipe makanan yang telah kami buat, terima kasih sudah membaca dan semoga bisa menambah wawasan kalian, see you di semester selanjutnyaaa teman online kuuuhh,enjoy and check this oouttt...

200 gr All purpose flour
1 pcs egg beaten
60 ml coconut milk
50 ml coconut oil or vegetable oil
1/2 cup salt
45 ml coconut oil
20 gr Garlic,peeled and chopped
40 gr Shallot ,peeled and chopped
150 gr Minced beef
100 gr carrots ,peeled finally ,sliced and blanched
200 gr Potatoes ,peeled ,finally,sliced and blanched
50 gr Bean sprouts ,cleaned ,blanched
gr Glass noodle (soun),to soften place into deep bowel and pouring
boiling water over.Allow to soak for one one minutes.Drain water and
cool noodles.
100 gr Leek ,finally sliced
2 pcs Hard boiled egg ,peeled cut wedges
50 ml Vegetable stock
2 pinches Ground nutmeg
To taste Salt and pepper
45 ml Coconut or vegetable oil
70 gr Red chilles ,halved ,seeded ,chopped
5 gr bird's eye chillies ,chopped
30 gr Garlic ,peeled and chopped
15 gr Shallot ,peeled and chopped
200 ml water
10 gr white sugar
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 pinch Salt to taste
all ingridients and knead into a smooth,soft,elastic dough.Cover with a
kitchen towel and allow resting on tabletop for 30 minutes.
2.Divide dough into 50 gr balls. On marble slab roll out round 10 cm diameter and 3 mm thin,
For making filling:
1.Heat oil in shallow frying pan ,add shallots ,garlic and heat untill fragrant.
2.Add minced beef ,mix well and continue to saute over high heat untill meat changes color.
sliced carrots,potatoes,bean sprouts ,glass noodles and leek and mix
well. Continue to saute over high heat for one minutes.
4.Add vegetable stock ,mix well and continue to saute for one more minutes.Season to taste with nutmeg,salt and pepper.Cool
prepare the pockets place one table spoon of filling into the center of
the pastry rounds. Top with 1 egg wedges.Brush edge of dough with egg
wash fold dough over the vegetable filling and press evenly fown.
fat fry vegetable pockets at 150 derajat celcius untill golden brown.
Drain on paper towel and serve together with chilli sauce.
For making sauce:
1.Heat oil shallow frying pan .Add shallots,garlic ,chillies and saute over medium heat untill fragrant.
2.Add water ,vinegar ,sugar and salt. Bring to boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
1 kg Medium-sized Prawns with sells,cut off swimming legs and antenas
250 gr Cherry tomatoes ,grilled for 1 minute and peeled ,cut into halves
4 tbsp Lemon basil (kemangi),sliced
4 tbsp Lime
To taste salt
Spice Blend:
60 gr Large red chilles ,grilled untill evently brown,halved ,seeded and sliced
4-7 Bird's eye chillie,grilled ad finely sliced
30 gr Candlenuts,roasted untill golden
1/4 tsp Salt
or pan fry prawns ,without oil for 1 minutes .Allow to cool and peel
shell.Reserve prawn shells for your next seafood stock.
2.Cut prawns into halves and them into even 1 cm cube
3.To make the spice blend ,combine all ingridients in a stonemortar or food processor and grind into a fine paste.
4.Combine all ingridients and blend well.Season to taste with salt.
1 kg beef
shoulder or brisket cut into 500gpieces
250 gr fried
beef lung
4-5 liters
beef stock
5 kaffir
lime leaved bruised
10 cm
cinnamon stick
150 ml
evaporated milk
3 tbsp
vegetable or coconut oil for frying
2 tbsp fried
100 gr glass
noodles, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes
Spice paste
2 tbsp
coconut oil
60 gr
shallots peeled and sliced
30 gr garlic
peeled and sliced
30 gr
galangal peeled and finally sliced
30 gr ginger
peeled and finally sliced
100 gr large
red chilles halves seeded and sliced
20 gr candle
nuts roasted and crushed
½ shrimp
paste (petis)
1 tbsp
coriander seeds roasted and crushed
1 tbsp cumin
seeds roasted
½ tsp
nutmeg ground
¼ tsp black
pepper crushed
2 stalks
lemongrass bruised
2 salam
30 gr
tamarind pulp soaked in 150ml water for 1 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve
½ salt to
3 tbsp
vegetable or coconut oil for frying
1. To make the spice paste, combine all
ingredients except lemongrass, salam leaves and tamarind in stone mortar or
food processor and grind into a pressure cooker; add remaining ingredients
except tamarind juice and saute over medium heat until spices are fragrant
2. Fill the cooker with beef stock and
bring to boil. (in traditional south Sulawesi cuisine cooks would use the water
in which the rice was soaked in for 20 minutes before cooking) add kaffir lime
leaves, cinnamon stick and strained tamarind juice.
3. Heat table spoon of oil in friying
pan and quickly brown the beef shoulder evenly on each side. This will add a
meatier flavour to the broth
4. Place meat into beef soup, bring
back boil, and skim of scum
5. Pressure cook at gaugage pressure of
1 bar/15 psi for 75 minutes. Start timing when full pressure is reached. Let
the cooker cool for 30 minutes
6. Remove cover, take out meat and into
small bite size pieces and warm in beef soup before serving
7. Add evaporated milk to beef soup and
simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Season to taste with salt and a generous
squeeze of lime juice. Garnish soup with glass noodles, potatoes patties, fried
shallots, sliced spring onions and fried beef lunge
8. Serve with rice cakes or steamed
rice and spicy tomato sauce.
1 pcs
1 bunch
3 pcs
Indonesian bayleaf
As needed
As needed
As needed
white pepper powder
3 ml frying
2 stalks
As needed
3 liters
chicken stock or water
250 ml
coconut milk
Spice paste
7 gr
3 pcs red
10 gr
5 gr garlic
5 gr candle
1. Peel and cut pumpkin into sliced
2. Blend all ingredients for spice
paste, and saute with oil until fragrant
3. Simmer water or chicken stock until
boil and put pumpkin and simmer until soft
4. Add spice paste, lemongrass,
bayleaf, and lobg bean
5. Seasoning with salt, sugar, and
lemon basil
6. Add coconut milk and simmer until
7. Sayur labu santan ready to serve
beef short ribs evenly cut and cleaned
liters beef stock
salam leave (optional fresh or dry kaffir lime leave)
tamarind pulp soaked in 200ml warm beef stock for 10 minutes
freshly grated coconut, roasted golden. This is the best done in a non stick
pan. Heat 2 tbsp of coconut or vegetable oil, add grated coconut and roast
until golden over medium
while frequently stiring. (optional use desiccated coconut)
pinch salt and crushed whte pepper to taste.
Spice paste
coconut or vegetable oil
shallots, peeled and slice
garlic, peeled and slice
black nut (keluak)
galangal, peeled and sliced
ginger, peeled and sliced
stalks lemongrass bruised and finely sliced
salam leaves (optional fresh or dry kaffir lime leaves)
tsp whitepepper corns crushed
tsp coriander roasted golden and crushed
1. Bring 5 liters of water to a fast
boil. Add beef ribs, mix well, and bring water quickly back to a boil. Simmer
for one minutes. Strain and discards the
water. Rinse beef ribs quickly under running water, dry ribs well.
2. For the spice paste combine all
ingredients excepts the oil and the salam leaves in a stone mortar or food
processor and grind until very fine
3. Heat oil in pressure cooker pot. Add
both spice paste and salam leaves and saute over medium heat until spices are fragrant and color changes
4. Fill pot with beef stock and bring
to simmer. Strain tamarind pulp through a very fine sieve into beef stock. Add
roasted coconut and beef ribs and bring to boil.
5. Bring to a boil and cover with the
pressure cooker lid and bring to full pressure pf 1 bar/ 15psi. once the
pressure cooker starts to relase pressure reduce heat to the smallest possible
setting, this to maintain full pressure. The pressure cooker should release
only very small amount of steam. Pressure cook for 90 minutes. Time only starts
once full pressure is reached. After 90 minutes turn off heat and allow cooker
to cool and to de pressurize for 30 minutes
6. Open cooker, remove ribs from stock
and allow frying for 30 minutes. Strain soup and reason to taste with salt and
7. Grill short ribs over very high hrat
golden brown, frequenly basting with a little coconut or vegetable oil. Once
golden grilled season with salt and crushed white pepper
8. Garnish ribs with fried shallots and
finely slice leek abd Chinese celery. Serve a bowl with beef soup in which the
ribs where cooked on the side. Absolute essential as a condeiment is a creamy
peanut dip and a spicy chili sauce.
LAWAR PAKIS (Lawar Jantung pisang)

Ingridients :
2 bunch Fern tips (diganti jantung pisang )
1 pcs Grated coconut
As needed Bird's eye chillies
As needed Salt
2 pcs Kaffir lime
1 bunch Lemon basil
As needed Sugar
As needed Shrimp paste
Procedure :
1.Blanch fern tips (jantung pisang)
2.Puree bird's eye chillies ,shrimp paste and salt using stone mortar
3.Saute coconut without oil untill dried
4.Mix fern tips (jantung pisang) ,chilli,lemon basil and put kaffir lime.Mix well
Ingridients :
1,2 kg Whole fish ,cleaned and sliced 2 cm thick
to taste salt
2 tbsp Lime juice
6 tbsp Coconut oil
75 gr Shallots ,peeled and finally sliced
35 gr Garlic,peeled and finally sliced
30 gr Dried sour mangoes ,washed and dried
800 ml seafood stock
to taste Ground white pepper
a handfull Finely sliced spring onions
60 gr Large red chillies ,halved ,seeded and sliced
3-5 Bird's eye chillies ,finely sliced
30 gr Turmeric ,peeled and sliced
1.To make the spice paste ,combine chillies and turmeric in a stone mortar or food processor grind into a fine paste. Reserve one-third of the spice paste to marinate the fillets
2.Season sliced fish with salt and lime juice and rub evenly with one-third spie blend. Heat 3 tbsp vegetable oil in sauce oan and quickly sear a fishslice. Vakuum cook.
3.Heat 3 tbsp oil in soup pan. Add sliced shallots and garlic and sauce for 2 minutes over medium heat.
4.Add remaining ground spices and continue to saute untill fragrant.Add sour mangoes and saute again for 1 minutes.
5.Fill up with stock and bring to simmer for 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt,white pepper and lime juice.
6.Arrange fish fillet in soup bowl and fill up with soup.Garnish with sliced spring onions.
Ingridients :
8 pcs Finger banana or large banana with skin
Dough :
200 gr Soft flour
300 ml Coconut milk
25 gr margarine
20 gr Sugar
1/2 tsp Pandan essence
1/2 tsp Green food coloring
1 pinch salt
Coconut sauce :
250 ml Coconut milk
15 gr Rice flour
30 gr Sugar
1 pinch Pandan leaf,bruised
1 pinch Salt to taste
Procedure :
1.Steam banana for 30 minutes. Cool to the room temperature.Peeled
2.Mix coconut milk,sugar and margarine than boil
For dough :
3.After that,put salt,green food coloring and panda essence
4.The last,add soft flour and blend well.Knead the dough into a smooth soft and elastic dough.
5.Knead the dough again into a smooth,soft and elastic dough.This will take a few minutes
6.Take a little dough skin.Flatten.Give bananas on top,then wrap the banana with skin dough.Steam for 10 minutes.
For sauce:
7.Mix coconut milk,sugar,salt,pandan leaf and rice flour,simmer untill boiled and sauce sticky.
20 pcs Egg yolks
10 pcs Eggs
250 gr Rice flour
250 gr Flour
1 tbsp TBM
200 gr Walnut
1.First mix egg and TBM untill stiff.
2.After that add chopped walnut in mixture
3.Mix well,after that add flour mix using hand'
that,moulding mixture in mould and steam about 15 minutes ad remove
from mould and set into container and pour symple syrup
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