Assalamu'alaykum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh
Heloo heloo gaiuuss ,welcome back to barniscooking blog. Alhamdulillah we meet again. Like usually I would like to tell you guys about my activity in the lovely's kitchen that place who I can reach my dream to being an entrepreneur Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin ya Allah.
Today I came to the kitchen like usually at 6 o'clock. After I arrived in the kitchen ,I'm doing my English muffin with komyangg. And make muffin with annoying people ippankss.
Alhamdulillah breakfast this morning is running well. After breakfast is done ,we are one line for divide our job description. For tomorrow we are doing american breakfast. And in on the Thursday we are doing Indonesian breakfast.
For Indonesian breakfast I must prepare tea and coffee. Today I'm helping my friends for prepare their task for Indonesian breakfast on Thursday like fried rice,fried noodle, taliwang chicken and chicken porridge.
After all of them is done we are one line for General cleaning. I must cleaning chiller with idong and anita. After General Cleaning we can go home Alhamdulillah....
1.Pastry flour 600gr
2.Sugar 300 gr
3.Baking powder 36,5 gr
4.Salt 7,5 gr'
5.Egg beaten 180 gr
6.Milk 420 gr
7.Vanilla extract 15 gr
8.Melted Butter 240 gr
how to make it:
Mixing :
Muffin Method
Scalling and panning :
Grease and flour muffin tins or use paper liner's. Scale batter with no 16 scoop
Baking :
400 derajat farenheit
Muffin Method:
1.Sift together the dry ingridients
2.Combine liquid ingridients ,including melted fta or oil
3.Add the liquids to the dry ingridients and mix just untill all the flour moistened. teh batter will look lumpy . Do not over mix
4.Pan and bake immediately. the dry and liquid mextures may be prapered in advence . once they are combined ,the batter should be baked without delay,or loss of volume may result. When portioning batter into muffin tins,be careful not to stir the mix and thought it. Scoop the batter from the outside edge for the best results.
English Muffin
1.Water 375 gr
2.Yeast 8 gr
3.Hard flour 500 gr
4.Sugar 8 gr
5.Salt 8 gr
6.Nonfta milk solids shortening 12 gr
7.Shortening 8gr
How to make :
Mixing :
Straight dough method 20-25 minutes at second speed. This dough is intentionally overmixed to develop its characteristic coarse texture. Because of this long mixing time,use twice your normal machine friction factor when calculating water temperature for this season, and because of the low fermentation temperature, it is usually necessary to use very cold water or part crushed ice
Dough temperature 70 derajat farenheit . Ferment 2 atau 3 hours
Scalling and makeup:
Because this dough is very soft and sticky, you must use plenty of dusting flour. Scale at 1.5 oz (45 gr) per unit. Round and relax the units,the flatten with the palms of the hand. Place on cornmeal -covered tryas to proof.
Baking :
Bake on both sides on griddle at low heat.

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